Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week 4: Option 8 - Billboard - Smint White

Smint mini-mint pastilles were the first product from Spanish multinational Chupa Chups S.A designed for an adult market. In the 1990s Chupa Chups saw an opportunity in the adult market, finding that its customers wanted a high-quality, sugar free product. After four years of development, Smint was introduced to the market in 1994 as a subsidiary brand.
By the end of the 1990s, Smint was easily recognized for its dispenser, which dispenses a single pastille at a time, and for its award-winning campaign “No Smint, no kiss”.

Smint is available in the following flavours: mint, spearmint, peppermint, winter ice, liquorice, lemon, peach and wildberry. Smint is also available in variations that whiten teeth in two flavours: fresh mint and strawberry. Smint Gum is available in four flavours: fresh mint, strong mint, strawberry and blackberry.

Youtube Clip 1:

it’s not in English but it still shows how smint advertises in other countries.

Youtube Clip 2:

“no smint, no kiss” commercial in English, they always seem to ad dhumour to their advertisements to try to market to a younger market range.

Youtube Clip 3:

This is a commercial aimed at the whole family which highlights how great this sweet flavoured chewing gum is for your teeth and that it is dental approved to be good for you.

Youtube Clip 4:

Including other mint brands, breath fresheners and teeth whitener products.
Chewing gum mint brands:

Orbit white, PK and wrigleys extra
Youtube Clip 1:

PK old Australian ad

Mints and Breath Fresheners:


Jila and tic tacs are two very popular mints in the rival category against smint white mints, they both have similar qualities but neither have the teeth whitening component and so still don’t stand a chance against people who wish to purchase mints that also whiten their teeth.

Youtube Clip 1:

short tic tac ad

Eclipse sugar-free gum and mints provide incredibly fresh breath solutions for people whose on-the-go lifestyle demands a breath freshener that delivers. Emerging science indicates that a natural ingredient in Eclipse gums and mints helps kill germs that cause bad breath.  Eclipse is probably the most similar to smint mints in size, texture and shape.. but still lacks the whitening aspect. Both products come in a very similar little pocket sized tin and so would have the same appeal to young people.

Teeth Whitener Products:

Highlighting the point that yellow teeth can be stripped away by using a teeth whitening product. Clean, simple advertising using only one prop.

Here are examples of the different kinds of products available for teeth whitening; they usually come with whitening strips, a gel to place on your teeth with a brush or assorted tooth pastes to use many times a day. All products use advertising and pictures along with the association of colours like blue, white and green to symbolize “fresh” and “clean” along with everlasting white teeth. The smint product is a lot less effort than a lot of these teeth whitening products on the market. You don’t get big bulky boxes and extra appliances with an instruction manual to read, the smint market would be very effective at getting people to try their mints especially the young age group as they are placed next to the confectionary section and the youth of today are more likely to worry about their appearance.

Billboard  advertising – The tricks they use to catch your eye


Name: Smint White
Inventor: n/a
Company: Spanish multinational Chupa Chups
Price range: $2 to $3 depending on how many mints.
Design: Smint is a dental candy. Every Smint candy has a triangular shape with an engraved "S"
Contains Xylitol, an active ingredient that actually fights cavities and helps take care of your teeth.
Features: A sugar-free breath-freshening mint, now contains a whitening enzyme.  It's the only pocket mint that freshens your breath while simultaneously whitening your teeth.
Slogan: “The mint that whitens your teeth.”

Our Initial Ideas/Roughs:

- Smint mints replace teeth
- Minty new taste buds
- Gradient of teeth from before until after using Smint
- Bad breathe beater! Knocks out bad breath and whitens teeth
- A little smint mint spray painting the teeth white
- Pilot fish floating around in a mouth whitening teeth. The pilot fish can be Smint Mints!
- Happy teeth after using Smint
- Teeth that glow due to being so white

- the tooth fairy leaving smint mint instead of money

Our Final Idea:

In the end we went with these designs. After much discussion, we decided that while we liked all the other designs and thought they were all effective in their own way. for a billboard this was the best one. The others ideas would be more suited to magazines, but these designs would be better for the billboard. The fact that they are quite simple, yet get the message we wanted across immediately made them the most appropriate for a medium where you only get to look at it for a few seconds.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Week 3: Option 02 - Print/Magazine; Laser Eye Clinic

Laser Eye Clinic
Magazine; Double page spread
Targeted at Men and Women ages 18 to 40 who wear glasses
"You'll never have to wear glasses again'
Our safe quick and painless laser procedure will improve your sight radically within 48 hours.


Laser eye surgery which also goes by the terms of Lasik (Laser Assisted in SItu Keratomileusis) or Lasek(Laser Assisted Sub-Epithelial Keratomileusis) is a procedure performed by ophthalmologists using laser beam.

It is a procedure where a thin flap is created on the eye surface (called the cornea) and folded so that the surgeon can remodel the tissue below it with the help of laser. Then the flap is put back in position and allowed to heal. It is done to correct eye problems like astigmatism (where eyes have a focusing problem because they may be too near each other or too far apart); myopia or short sightedness and other such defects.

Laser surgery is also done to correct vision problems. It is relatively safe to use laser for eye surgical operations and there is evidence that majority of these operations are successful - Normally the patient is just given a local anaesthesia or some anaesthetic eye drops when the surgery is done and he can walk out (with adequate protection of the operated eye) soon without any need of hospitalisation. Some of these procedures are used so that the patient need not wear spectacles or contact lenses.

Source: http://www.abhishekarora.com/2010/01/laser-eye-surgery-facts-history.html


Laser eye surgery generally takes between 10 and 15 MINUTES.
90% of patients recommend it to others.
Over 17 million people have had some form of laser eye surgery.
Laser eye surgery is not suggested for all patients. It is suggested those with severe dry eyes, corneal diseases and other select eye conditions should NOT undergo laser eye surgery.
There have been NO reports of blindness after laser eye surgery.
Laser eye surgery only improves your vision, it does NOT make it perfect.

Previous Advertisements

A good resource for Laser Eye Surgery or Lasik advertisements: http://www.doctordirectonline.com/c-60-lasik.aspx
Numerous other resources of a similar nature can be found at http://www.doctordirectonline.com/c-14-print-ads.aspx

Magazine Spreads

Initial Concepts

  • Pain associated with putting in a contact lens
  • Glasses ageing due to discontinued use
  • To do list: glasses being removed from daily routine
  • Glasses bill being stopped
  • A person not looking cool in glasses
  • Cobwebs in glasses
  • Lasers coming out of eyes and being generally awesome
  • Things going from blurry to clear
  • Things that take 48 hours to do/make, compare to getting your eyes fixed in 48 hours
  • 48 things that you'll be able to do with good eye sight (scuba diving without glasses etc)


Concepts built upon

Final Idea

Our final idea moved away from the traditional direction that advertising for Laser Eye Surgery had taken in the past. We wanted to represent the product in a less obvious (and overused) way, and try and get more interest in the service that LES provides and the benefits from it. After 48 hours your vision will be greatly improved. We decided to show this through a diary/planner which begins blurry, but after the owner gets LES their vision improves to the point where a few days later they can throw away their glasses.

This campaign has the potential to be altered (yet still maintain a constant recognisable look and feel) by using different diaries and different text written in the ad. Through the alteration of the text and the design of the diary you could target a wide range of audiences.